Terms and Conditions for provision of Communication Support Services

This is an agreement between terptree ltd and you, for us to provide Communication Support Services as per our Booking confirmation.

1. Booking request
Once you have made a booking request either over the telephone, terptree online or via email, terptree ltd will start locating a Sign Language Interpreter or other Communication Professionals to fulfil this booking request.

The fact that the request has been made indicates that terptree ltd terms and conditions and fees have been accepted.

The booking is not complete until a Booking Confirmation has been given.

Should there be a preference for a particular Sign Language Interpreter or other Communication Professional this should be made clear at the start of the process.

If you are funding the communication support through external sources (e.g. Access to Work, Legal Aid) please make the clear before placing the booking.

2. Provision of professionals
For every booking that is received, terptree will do their utmost to provide a Sign Language Interpreter or other Communication Professional.

Whilst every endeavor is made to ensure the service is provided, there may be unavoidable circumstances such as illness or lack of availability resulting in terptree ltd being unable to provide a Sign Language Interpreter or other Communication Professional.

Communication with you is vital in these instances, so please ensure that terptree ltd have the relevant contact numbers i.e. telephone, Mincom, SMS/mobile, email; should we need to get in contact with you.

BSL/English Interpreters provided through terptree will be appropriately registered with the NRCPD and will be guided by appropriate codes of conduct.
Not all other Communication Professionals are able to register with the NRCPD. Where this is the case terptree check that the Communication Professional has both a valid DBS clearance and Professional Indemnity Insurance.

The health and safety of the interpreter should always be considered.

• Break times
• Co-working (2 Interpreters)

3. Confirmations
Once a Sign Language Interpreter or other Communication Professional has been booked, a Booking Confirmation will be emailed.

This confirmation will state

a. Client name
b. Details of booking: when, where, who, what
c. Professional’s name

Once you receive Booking Confirmation this confirms that the Terms and Conditions have been accepted and therefore you are subject to oblige.

4. Preparation
It is important that the Sign Language Interpreter or other Communication Professional has as much preparation material as possible.

This could take form of an agenda for a meeting, briefing information, conference day plan, handouts, scripts or meeting minutes. These should be sent to terptree ltd as soon as they are available and within at least 5-7 working days of the booking, either by email to interpreting@terptree.co.uk or posted to the terptree office.

5. Cancellations
The following cancellation terms to bookings apply. These terms are approved by SfE and are in line with industry standards as recommended by the National Union of BSL Interpreters (NUBSLI):

• Seven calendar days or less notice – full fee payable
• Eight to fourteen calendar days’ notice – half fee payable
• Fifteen or more calendar days’ notice – no fee

Should the booking change so much that the original professional is no longer available, this will be treated as a cancellation and a new booking request created.

6. Feedback
terptree ltd appreciate any feedback that is given so that we can continue to provide a high-quality communication support service.

Feedback can be communicated to terptree ltd via email or phone call after the booking and may be requested by tertpree ltd. This is now compulsory, but terptree ltd would encourage clients to give regular feedback for services to be continually improved.

7. Payment
After a booking has been completed, an invoice will be sent either via email or through the post.

Payments must be made within 30 days. If the payment is not made under these conditions, terptree ltd understands and will exercise the statutory right to interest under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998. The interest charged will be based upon the charges stated by the Act at the time.

terptree ltd is VAT registered. All fees quoted are excluding VAT.

If you request invoices to be submitted to a third party, please be advised that you will remain liable for the outstanding sum should the third party fail to pay within agreed credit terms. You will also be liable for any interest of compensation applied to outstanding debt.

8. Complaints
Should terptree ltd receive a complaint about a communication professional, acknowledgement of this complaint will be given within 5 working days. A formal response will be issued within 10 working days.

If the matter is unable to be resolved by terptree ltd, then the issue will undergo further investigation by an external organisation.

Please see terptree’s Complaints Procedure for further guidance.

9. Non-Solicitation
The customer or service user shall not approach to work for them directly, any terptree employee or subcontractor introduced to them by terptree. This will last for six months after the booking period has finished. Should any offer of engagement be made to any terptree employee or subcontractor, it is assumed that the customer or service user accepts tertpree’s Terms & Conditions for the Introduction of Permanent Staff.

10. Liability
terptree is no liable for any loss, expense, damage or delay arising from failure to provide a professional for all of part of the booking, or from negligence, dishonest, misconduct or lack of skill from the professional

11. Any data or information that is shared by terptree ltd; must remain confidential, be kept securely and all data protection regulations must be abided by in the control of this data.

12. terptree ltd use range of cloud-based applications for daily business functionality. Before deciding to use these services terptree ensure that these applications are secure and are complying with relevant data protection regulations. All of these terms of use and services can be found in terptree’s Data Security Policy under part 9. Third Party Applications.

13. Feedback
terptree ltd appreciate any feedback that is given so that we can continue to provide a high-quality communication support service.

Feedback can be left via terptree online and may be asked for via email or phone call after the booking. This is not compulsory, but terptree ltd would encourage clients to give regular feedback in order for services to be continually improved.

14. Payment
After a booking has been completed, an invoice will be sent either through the post or via email.

Payments must be made within 30 days. If the payment is not made under these conditions, terptree ltd understands and will exercise the statutory right to interest under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998. The interest charged will be based upon the charges stated by the Act at that time.

terptree ltd is VAT registered. All fees quoted are excluding VAT.

If you request invoices to be submitted to a third party, please be advised that you will remain liable for the outstanding sum should the third party fail to pay within agreed credit terms. You will also be liable for any interest or compensation applied to outstanding debt.

15. Non-Solicitation
The customer or service user shall not approach to work for them directly, any terptree employee or subcontractor introduced to them by terptree. This will last for six months after the booking period has finished. Should any offer of engagement be made to any terptree employee or subcontractor, it is assumed that the customer or service user accepts terptree’s Terms & Conditions for the Introduction of Permanent Staff.

16. Liability
terptree is not liable for any loss, expense, damage, or delay arising from failure to provide a professional for all or part of the booking, or from negligence, dishonesty, misconduct or lack of skill from the professional.