Case Study
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We spoke with Stephen Dauncey from Pret about their experience working with terptree to provide communication support for a deaf employee.

How did you discover terptree?

I was in a bit of a situation – we had a large company dinner taking place, and a member of our staff that’s part of the deaf community, unfortunately their current interpreter couldn’t make it the last minute. So, we were desperately trying to find someone who could fill in their shoes and a Google search is where I came across your website. So that was my first introduction [to terptree].


What were your initial requirements when you first reached out to us?

Initial requirements were fairly urgent; it was to find someone to come and be a British Sign Language interpreter for an evening event the following day. I have to say the team were fantastic. They were really accommodating. They made a quick call to me, asked me some key questions and then put the message out onto their network to see if there was anyone available. The end result was there was someone available who was also fantastic and had a brilliant relationship with our member of staff.


What function has terptree performed?

It was understanding what my needs were and the urgent situation that I was in. It was just an incredibly supportive way of helping out – very understanding and incredibly efficient as well, how quickly and how well your network works, and the kind of brilliant people you have got involved there. It was fantastic, they were able to come up with a great match for our employee and it was just a fantastic ending really.


What benefits has this brought?

I think [terptree] is definitely a key contact now that I will certainly use in the future. I think one of the biggest benefits though was for [our employee] and he did form a really great relationship with the interpreter as well. He felt really confident and comfortable in her presence. I think just actually finding someone that he was really compatible with and get along with and communicate clearly with was the biggest win really. So, it’s great that we’ve now got that relationship with you and that he’s now got a relationship with another interpreter that he feels really comfortable with.


How was the process?

I submitted a message on your website first of all, then I was contacted very promptly by a member of your team, and we had a quick phone call. I just explained what the situation was, what my needs were and then they took that information away, put it out onto the network and then I was contacted back within a couple of hours’ time with a proposal of who could do that. Then it was a case of arranging the details and introducing them to our member of staff. They really sort of knew what they were doing and looked after the whole situation with helping him around, allowing him to be social and mingle with other people at the dinner. It was a seamlessly brilliant experience. And it was great to have such expertise on that.


Would you recommend terptree and why?

Yes, I’d absolutely recommend you and I would do that because the way in which every person I spoke to who has dealt with the query was incredibly helpful and supportive. You acted efficiently and quickly and in a really nice manner. The service that we’ve seen at the end from the interpreter and the follow-up has been brilliant. So absolutely. A brilliant service to use.


Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Just to say thanks really. As I explained, it was incredibly supportive, the whole team were brilliant, the interpreter was fantastic. The whole thing was a really nice experience and just thank you for acting on it so quickly and doing it in such a really brilliant, nice way. A pleasure to work with you.

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