University College London (UCL)

The terptree team spoke to Natalie Humphrey, Head of Student Support & Wellbeing for the Disability, Mental Health and Wellbeing Team, to learn why they chose to work with terptree.

Middlesex University

To allow deaf students to fully access the education offered at University it is essential to have qualified and experienced British Sign Language (BSL)/English Interpreters available. terptree provides all the BSL/English Interpreters for Middlesex University and in this case study; Disability Officer Sharon Rankin explains how the relationship benefits deaf students.

University of Sussex

We have worked with the University of Sussex for a number of years now, providing deaf students with local high quality Interpreters to support them in their study. University of Sussex has been delighted with the consistency of provision, ease of communication and familiarity with terptree.

DSA Assessor: Claire Sorfleet

Claire Sorfleet, Consultant DSA Assessor, describes how terptree were able to provide additional, specialist advice for a specific HI Assessment. She shared that thanks for terptree’s insight, she is now confident in her ability to deliver a well-informed assessment for deaf applicants.