Christmas Countdown


Disney-like levels of magical customer experience

Whether you have been to Disneyland in Florida or not, we all know that it is the one place in the world where you can guarantee happiness 24/7.  How can this level of service; and the magical Disney customer experience be guaranteed within an organisation that has:

  • 7 parks
  • 174 shops
  • 298 restaurants
  • 300 buses
  • 23,000 hotel rooms
  • 70,000 staff (consisting of 20,000 College students every year)
  • 48 million people visit every year

Well, in Disney, this customer experience is underpinned by Disney’s definition of Quality Service:

“Exceed our Guest’s expectations.  Pay attention to every detail of the delivery”

I am sure that we could all agree that as businesses and organisations, we are continually aiming to exceed our customer’s expectations – but the additional focus on paying attention to EVERY detail of the delivery is the thing that makes the difference.

Here is how Disney does it:

  • If a child spills popcorn – replace the popcorn and sweep up the mess
  • You never see the utilities, such as the car park; they are hidden so as not to affect the experience
  • Cast members are not allowed to step over into another land when dressed in their costume as this will spoil the show – they must travel in a selection of underground tunnels in order to get to their destination

These are a few ways in which Disney creates The Happiest Place on Earth, where dreams come true.
Everyone in Disney is ‘on stage’ all of the time, even the bus drivers and the man following the horses on Main Street to collect the poo!

If you, like Disney, “do something so well that the people you are doing it for will want to come back and experience it again and they tell others about it,”; you truly will attract and retain more customers and make your deaf customers happy.

Why is this?

Well, as humans, it is always the little details that make us feel special; and the little things you can do to serve deaf customers could be:

  • Understand that deaf person are all different, and be brave and ask your deaf customer the best communication method for them
  • When you are serving deaf customers, maintain eye contact, and if you look away, ensure that you stop talking, so your customer does not miss any information
  • Have something visual that you can point at to refer to and show your customer

What little detail could you enhance today?