Christmas Countdown
This includes a profoundly deaf employee at MOOG. We got in touch with Nicole Rowland, MOOG’s HR Advisor, to see how our support benefits their deaf employee.
“I joined MOOG six months ago, where terptree’s services were already in place, supporting a profoundly deaf employee. For me, this was the first time I had ever worked in an environment with a deaf employee so I was quite nervous”
“Our deaf employee requested that BSL/ English interpreting services be provided for our quarterly meetings, which is where terptree were brought in. They also provide support for additional training.”
“On a day-to-day basis there is no BSL/English support. Whilst this can mean there are frustrations in the workplace, having terptree’s services at the quarterly meeting means that our employee is fully informed of the essential information of the business.
This support also means that our employee is not struggling to lipread – I have a partial hearing loss myself and can only imagine how difficult it would be to have to lipread an hour-long meeting, especially when our meetings are full of technical jargon. But with terptree’s support, our employee is not havingto play catch-up”.
“I would absolutely recommend terptree! Every member of staff that I have spoken to are professional and helpful. We want to do the right thing by our employees, to ensure that they are looked after and comfortable at work. Having terptree providing support at these meetings means we can ensure this is happening”
terptree ltd
registered in England and Wales
No: 05941442
Registered office:
483 Green Lanes
N13 4BS
VAT: 903 8868 95