Christmas Countdown


How to assess a deaf student

interview style photo with visible lower parts of bodies and note on the first plan

Having an assessment can be a daunting experience for a student, so it is important to think about how you can make this process as easy as possible for them. Communication is something we can take for granted. Imagine being in a class full of students from many different backgrounds, and there is chatter amongst […]

Different types of sign languages

Did you know that there are over 72 million people around the world using sign language? And that there are more than 300 sign languages? Perhaps you’re thinking: “Is there not just one single universal Sign Language that everyone can use?” “Why not? This would be so much easier.” These thoughts only really make sense […]

What is British Sign Language (BSL)

Firstly, what we can see immediately is that British Sign Language is by far one of the most beautiful visual languages! Many people are mesmerised when they see someone signing in the streets, often thinking “Ah I wonder what they’re chatting about” or sometimes you might pick up on what you think they might be […]

Commitment to Disability in the employee experience

How committed are you to disability for the employees within your business? Why is this important and what can you do to improve and ensure your company is on the road to being disability confident. Here we will guide you on how to start or improve being disability confident within your business. Did you know […]

How to identify that a customer is deaf or has a hearing loss?

Within your business or organisation, you will have many people accessing your services but how can you identify if they have deafness or a hearing loss? Well, we are about to tell you more and share with you some strategies to enhance the deaf customer experience. Deafness and hearing loss is a hidden disability If […]